

Services | Executive Check Up Packages

Have a question?

    Living in these uncertain times, it’s normal to be paranoid about your health and well-being. With our Executive Check-Up (ECU) Packages, not only will you be well-informed about your current and updated medical history; you will also know how to sustain a healthier you during this new reality.

    To schedule an appointment, message us on our official Facebook page: or email us at and achieve peace of mind today!

    Basic ECU Package
    A. Laboratory Tests

    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • Fecalysis
    • BUN
    • HBa1c
    • HDL
    • SGOT
    • LDL
    • SGPT
    • Triglycerides
    • FT3
    • Total Cholesterol
    • FT4
    • CBC with actual platelet count
    • TSH
    • Uric Acid
    • Creatinine
    • Urinalysis
    • Na
    • K
    • Ca
    • TPAG

    B. Imaging Procedures

    • Chest X-Ray PA
    • Whole Abdomen Ultrasound
    • ECG
    • 2D Echo with colored Doppler

    C. Consultation with Internal Medicine Doctor/Cardiologist

    Premium ECU Package (FEMALE)
    A. Laboratory Tests

    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • Fecalysis
    • BUN
    • HBa1c
    • HDL
    • SGOT
    • LDL
    • SGPT
    • Triglycerides
    • FT3
    • Total Cholesterol
    • FT4
    • CBC with actual platelet count
    • TSH
    • Uric Acid
    • Creatinine
    • Urinalysis
    • Na
    • K
    • Ca
    • TPAG

    B. Imaging Procedures

    • 3D Mammogram
    • Chest X-Ray PA
    • Whole Abdomen Ultrasound
    • Breast Ultrasound
    • ECG
    • 2D Echo with colored Doppler

    C. Consultation with Internal Medicine Doctor/Cardiologist

    Premium ECU Package (MALE)
    A. Laboratory Tests

    • Alkaline Phosphatase
    • Fecalysis
    • HBa1c
    • BUN
    • SGOT
    • HDL
    • SGPT
    • LDL
    • FT3
    • Triglycerides
    • FT4
    • Total Cholesterol
    • TSH
    • CBC with actual platelet count
    • Uric Acid
    • Urinalysis
    • Creatinine
    • Fasting Blood Sugar
    • Prostate-specific
    • Fasting Blood Sugar Antigen (PSA)
    • Na
    • K
    • Ca
    • TPAG

    B. Imaging Procedures

    • Chest X-Ray PA
    • Whole Abdomen Ultrasound
    • Ultrasound Prostate
    • ECG
    • 2D Echo with colored Doppler

    C. Consultation with Internal Medicine Doctor/Cardiologist