Ruby C. Baysa-Ong, M.D.
OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGISTS Doctors | Obstetrics & Gynecology Obstetrician-Gynecologists Ruby C. Baysa-Ong, M.D. SPECIALTY: Obstetrics and GynecologySUBSPECIALTY: Obstetrics and GynecologySECRETARY: Ms. NonaCONTACT NO/S.: 090502536468924-4051 to 65 ext. 305 ROOM NO/S.: B-5SCHEDULE: TTh 6PM-7PM (Clinic schedules and contact numbers are subject to change without prior notice.) HMO Accreditation MaxicareMedicardIntellicare/AvegaCocolifeBenlifeEastwestGeneraliMedAsiaMedilinkMedocareValucareWellcare Obstetrician-Gynecologists
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