Medrano, Ana Beatriz DR., M.D.

CARDIOLOGIST Doctors|Internal Medicine|Cardiologist All Doctors Internist (Internal Medicine Doctors) Cardiologists Ana Beatriz DR. Medrano, M.D. SPECIALTY: Internal MedicineSUBSPECIALTY: CardiologySECRETARY: Ms. CatherineCONTACT NO/S.: 0955 582 1658 / 8924-4051 to 65 ext. 318 ROOM NO/S.: M-4SCHEDULE: Wed – 2PM-4PM; Fri – 4PM-6PM (Kindly contact the indicated secretary during working hours (Mon-Sat – 9AM-6PM) to schedule an appointment.) (Clinic schedules and contact numbers …

Medrano, Ana Beatriz DR., M.D. Read More »