Callos, Elsie I., M.D.
OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY Doctors | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Pediatric Gynecology Obstetrician-Gynecologists Elsie I. Callos, M.D. SPECIALTY: Obstetrics and GynecologySUBSPECIALTY: Obstetrics and GynecologySECRETARY: Ms. GraceCONTACT NO/S.: 0956-702-9665 / 8924-4051 to 65 ext. 302 ROOM NO/S.: B-2SCHEDULE: Tue, Thu 9AM-11AM (Clinic schedules and contact numbers are subject to change without prior notice.) HMO Accreditation Obstetrician-Gynecologists
Callos, Elsie I., M.D. Read More »